
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Bluetooth SIG adopting new set of standards for running and cycling devices

The sports and fitness market is apparently on the verge of a notable change, with the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) deciding to adopt a new set of standards with regard to fitness devices, especially running and cycling gadgets.

The recently-finalized standards - which have been made possible by Bluetooth v4.0 low energy technology - will chiefly speed up the proliferation of Bluetooth wireless technology sensors which measure speed and cadence for fitness activities like running and cycling.
The two certifications approved by the Bluetooth SIG will be applicable to running and cycling devices; and will chiefly affect the manner in which these gadgets transmit data - including speed, cadence, and distance - to connected devices such as smartphones, sports watches and cycling computers.
With the new profiles marking an extension of capabilities for real-time running and cycling data monitoring, and adding a significant functionality which thus far was reserved for proprietary solutions, the Bluetooth SIG is of the opinion that the new standardizations will facilitate the OEMs in bringing new gadgets top the market.
Noting that the reliance on proprietary technology has, till now, limited the "reach and functionality" of sports and fitness sensors that can track speed and cadence, Bluetooth SIG CMO Suke Jawanda said about the adoption of new standards that "the Running S&C and Cycling S&C profiles unlock these sensors" so that companies can build devices which boast connectivity with "the tens of millions of Bluetooth Smart Ready devices already in the market, and the hundreds of millions on the way in the coming quarters."

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